Cardsgate GATE process - Gender Awarness and Transformation for Equality

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Who we are

With financial support of Erasmus+ and Movetia we develop an innovative process to accompany organizations as well as individuals in getting more awareness of gender topics and creating transformation towards gender equality.

GATE process is an international cooperation project with the following organizations:

Altekio_logo Gate process

Altekio, iniciativas hacia la sostenibilidad, S.Coop.Mad. is a non-lucrative workers cooperative created in 2008 with the idea of offering solutions from an integral perspective to the social, ecological and economic problems of the communities and territories. We generate ideas and develop projects in the areas of environment, community development and social economy.

Tekio calls community work in which each member of the community offers what he/she has for projects that contribute to the common benefit. It is a word that comes from the indigenous communities of the region of Oaxaca, Mexico. Going ‘al Tekio’ is the sense, the attitude and the option that unites us. The initiatives towards sustainability are our work, the common work in which each person of the cooperative contributes with their baggage and their future.

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Orlando LGBT+ mental health beyond the stigma is the first legally recognized scientific organization in Greece specializing in mental health of LGBT+ individuals. Its main purpose is to promote the scientific approach on LGBT+ mental health that is structured on the idea of full depathologization of sexual orientation and gender identity, respecting self-identification and human rights. Orlando is committed to tackling discrimination and any human rights violation that constitute the main risk factor for the mental health and well-being of LGBT+ people.

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Xena is a non-profit cultural association founded in 1995. It promotes local and international initiatives to develop personal and social growth, intercultural learning and active participation in society. It combines twentyfive years of experience with constant updating that aims at innovation in its areas of interest.

It has always achieved significant results in creation and implementation in its main fields: transnational internships (VET), training of citizens and operators, non-formal education of young people and adults, especially in projects in the frame of the European Program Erasmus +, starting with the European Voluntary Service. It is characterized and recognized for the work on international mobility, both abroad as reception in Italy, also in order to make it more accessible to different targets through information, guidance and planning.

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Altekio  Association CH generates innovative spaces for knowledge dialogues between a wide diversity of actors, professional fields and methodological approaches. Through these bridges and connections, we accompany and facilitate processes of eco-social transformation at a personal, organisational and territorial level with a fresh and close style and pursuing the greatest impact. We listen to the needs of groups, organisations and networks and design the best possible way to achieve the desired objectives.We are an international association that work in 4 main areas:

  • social ecology and sustainability;
  • group facilitation;
  • social innovation and citizen participation;
  • and social and solidarity economy.

We do this work through trainings, innovation, research, intervention, consultancy and projects of various kinds, and always trying to blend the areas into more integral projects for eco-social transformation. We created this association inspired and supported by Altekio S.Coop. Mad, a social cooperative based in Madrid and working worldwide.

To strengthen our local impact and gain experience in organizational transformation processes, we are glad to collaborate with local associations in each country:

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