Gender Awareness and
Transformation for Equality

Our worldwide gender equality gap is still unlikely to be filled in 99.5 years. That means, none of us will see gender parity in our lifetimes, and nor likely will many of our children.
We have to continue the work towards gender equality, and do it now!

GATE process is an innovation project that aims for raising awareness and creating transformation towards gender equality with a focus on youth. Being one of the 17 UN sustainable development goals, we want to foster gender equality by working on two different levels:

GATE LGBTQIA+ purpose a new part of the project to advance GENDER EQUALITY, with a focus on preventing gender-based violence against LGBTQIA+ people.

This project is financially supported by

Our latest news

Microaggressions: Recognition, impact and ways to address them 1707 2560 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

Microaggressions: Recognition, impact and ways to address them

LGBTQI+ people experience various forms of microaggressions on a daily basis that can be expressed both by members of the dominant group and by members of the community itself. The article is written by Georgia Korre, a member of the Scientific Team of Orlando LGBT+, and was originally published under the Greek LGBTQ+ Helpline “11528-By…

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