
Microaggressions: Recognition, impact and ways to address them 1707 2560 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

Microaggressions: Recognition, impact and ways to address them

LGBTQI+ people experience various forms of microaggressions on a daily basis that can be expressed both by members of the dominant group and by members of the community itself. The article is written by Georgia Korre, a member of the Scientific Team of Orlando LGBT+, and was originally published under the Greek LGBTQ+ Helpline “11528-By…

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GATE Athens Youth Training & Meeting 1856 1271 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

GATE Athens Youth Training & Meeting

In April our team met in Athens for a 2-day collaborative workshop together with local youth organisations from the GATE countries, bringing together young people from Greece, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. During these two days we explored the GATE process for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in youth organisations and put the tools we have been working on…

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The BI* identity is here and needs space 992 1274 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

The BI* identity is here and needs space

“He’s experimenting. It’s a phase that’s going to pass. Pay no attention and it will be forgotten.” “It has become a trend and she wants to feel like she belongs.” “Yes, but you have to decide. You can’t have it all to yourself.” “He’s gay and he won’t admit it.” “She’s straight, but she wants…

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KICK OFF MEETING IN ITALY, October 2023 GATE LGBTQIA+ 2296 2274 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality


Our team for the second part of GATE process  Erasmus+ KA2 project, GATE LGBTQIA+, has met for the first time for a kick off meeting in Bassano del Grappa, Italy between the 11th and 15th October, 2023. We started the meeting with a 2-day-long, comprehensive and thought provoking training on LGBTQ+ issues, hold by the…

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NEW PHASE of GATE PROCESS: GATE LGBTQIA+ !! 293.07 103.2 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality


We are very pleased to announce that we have been working the last months on a second phase of this project: GATE process +. The purpose of this new step of the project is to advance gender equality, with a focus on preventing gender-based violence against LGBTQIA+ people. The initiative aims to support the cultural…

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The GATE journey for the participants 1186 844 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

The GATE journey for the participants

This is a compilation of different experiences and feelings that people involved in the GATE process had during the project. Some of the participants were youth doing the workshops, others are partners of the European project, others are artists that participated in the GATE Art Exhibition in Vevey, Switzerland. We hope you enjoy their jorneys,…

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Podcast: “Don’t talk about me… without me” by our Spanish local partner Asociación La Kalle 1210 1022 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

Podcast: “Don’t talk about me… without me” by our Spanish local partner Asociación La Kalle

This is a summary that some young people from Asociación La Kalle (Vallecas, Madrid) has prepared after having experienced the GATE process. “We should not only ask them to talk… we should also listen to them” This is a podcast which includes interviews to people that assisted to the GATE event in Madrid, talking about…

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With these messages about gender socialization we grew up with! 2560 1696 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

With these messages about gender socialization we grew up with!

During the artistic exposition in Vevey, Switzerland, messages that people received about gender socialization stereotypes were recorded and put together in a loop, resulting in a powerful audio that shows how we are all educated in a binary patriarchal system, where stereotypes of gender are imposed to us, in our identity, way of behaving, of…

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The results of GATE PROCESS are ready and we want to share them with everybody! This happened in Madrid… 1591 991 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

The results of GATE PROCESS are ready and we want to share them with everybody! This happened in Madrid…

In Madrid, we celebrated a special event in el Sitio de mi Recreo, in Vallecas, where the Spanish local association La Kalle does most of its work. We open the celebration presenting the project, specially, the Guide for organizational change and the Set of Cards for youth. During the afternoon, two artists, Iván Lucas and…

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WEBINAR: Presentation of our materials 1080 1080 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

WEBINAR: Presentation of our materials

We are at the end of this first part of the project, and as we continue to upload the final documents to our website, we would like to invite you to this webinar online, to share the results of the GATE process. Wednesday 29th June from 10:30h to 12:30h18h00 We will be presenting the 2…

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SWISS: “GENRE QUOI ?”, en images 1500 1000 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

SWISS: “GENRE QUOI ?”, en images

Vendredi 3 juin 2022, dans le cadre du projet GATE process, l’événement GENRE QUOI ? a eu lieu à Vevey. Voici quelques images de la journée. Le projet a été soutenu par Erasmus+ | movetia | La ville de Vevey – cohésion sociale et développement durable| sirup communicationLe Café des Argiles | Le Bout du…

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SWISS: “GENRE QUOI ?”, le 3 juin à Vevey 1067 834 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

SWISS: “GENRE QUOI ?”, le 3 juin à Vevey

Altekio Switzerland a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à l’événement “GENRE QUOI? » le vendredi 3 juin prochain de 16h à 24h à Vevey au Café des Argiles (Rue Clara-Haskil 4) puis à 20 mètres plus loin, au bar Le Bout du Monde (Rue d’Italie 24). L’événement marque la clôture de ce projet…

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GERMANY: Our Gender & Youth Day in Berlin 1080 1080 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

GERMANY: Our Gender & Youth Day in Berlin

Save the date! On Wednesday 25th of May, our Gender & Youth Day will take place at KAOS Berlin, a creative Coworking space and event venue right next to the spree river. Creative workshops await you to explore gender issues and find out what gender means for you, your everyday life and your social surroundings.…

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WEBINAR: Challenging the gender binary 2560 1707 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

WEBINAR: Challenging the gender binary

20th of December Today, we had the great chance to take part in a webinar from indig communication. The Italian association helps organizations and individuals to communicate in an inclusive and accessible way. After refreshing our knowledge on gender terms, such as sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender, sexual orientation etc., Carola and Nicolò…

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Our Intermediate meeting in Berlin 1600 1202 GATE - Gender Awareness and Transformation for Equality

Our Intermediate meeting in Berlin

4th of October 2021: Last week our team met in Brandenburg at the beautiful to work on our second project phase. By using different creative brainstorming activities we were able to effectively put together the content for the second phase program and for the toolkit for youth we are currently working on. It will contain a…

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