Cardsgate GATE process - Gender Awarness and Transformation for Equality

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Why we believe in collaboration

Uncovering gender topics in organizations needs time, space and the motivation to look deeper into structures that might — on the surface — work well. That’s why for many organizations it is not first priority to transform gender inequalities in their organizational structures.

But without organizations that are willing to try out new ideas, we would not be able to dive deeper into gender-related issues at work. For our team it is not enough to work only on a theoretical level. We want to get involved — hands-on! What want to gain experience. We want to innovate and create collective impact. And without partners who are first movers and want to take risks through trial and error and collective growth, our GATE process would not be possible at all. That’s why we say THANK YOU! And we want to make visible our first collaborations.

Here you can find our partner organizations who already started working with us. So far, they filled out our questionnaire and gave us a first look inside their status quo of gender topics. We also began our individual coaching process with…


The cooperative Il Sestante was founded more than twenty-five years ago in Padova. The organization is based on values like democracy, equality, equity and solidarity and became promoter of a culture of hospitality and cohabitation in diversity. It provides services and projects to promote sustainable and innovative welfare to engage the well-being of local communities.


Il Sindacato degli Studenti is a group of students at the university of Padua that deals with student representation. They work to protect the right to study and access to education in institutional councils. Their activities also include peer education on the topics of gender inequality, anti-fascism, decent work, the importance of education for social development, and more.


Collettivo Kosmos is a transfeminist and lgbtqia+ collective within the University of Padova. It was born in 2017 to built a safe space for students and for anyone who needs it. That’s why they created “InclusiviTea” which takes place on Thursdays as an open assembly where everyone can speak up and share their stories and feelings. Cookies and Tea are included!
The collective is active outside of these gatherings as well, and often organizes public events with experts and activists to raise awareness on sensitive topics.


SottoSopra is a youth movement for Save the Children.

It is a network of young people at the age of 14 to 22 and it is composed by 15 groups in 15 different cities form north to south Italy. This network includes diversity as a strength to uptake innovative ideas and create a change at the local and national level. Driven by article 12 of the Convention of Rights of Children “You have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and take it seriously”, its objective is to raise the voice of young people. Through listening, dialogue and sharing point of views the aim is to achieve social change and respect and promote children’s rights, as stated in CRC. Each group is meeting once a week, working actively on specific issue of their territory, analysing the thematic that they care more about, to achieve their objective SottoSopra’s groups work in partnership with peers and stakeholders.


Our partner in Madrid is called Asociación cultural La Kalle and was founded 35 years ago to work with young maginalized women and men who lived in their neighborhood. With their work they want to foster inclusion by offering workshops, support for school success, professional training and job orientation.
During these 35 years they stick to their values, among them feminism as a fundamental principle.

“We have already been working with and we incorporate gender topics from a feminist perspective in all the interventions we make with people who participate in our association, either working directly with girls or boys or in mixed groups and with specific content, or in a transversal way, but it seems fundamental to us and it is the strategic line of the entity (and of our equality plan and continuous improvement process) to be able to analyze that we work coherently with this gender perspective we transfer to our participants. And this is one of the main reasons why we collaborate with GATE process. Because we believe that social organizations not only have to lead by example from outside but also in the way we relate inside.”


Our partner organization Janainas e.V. was founded by 7 women in Berlin. The mission of this female organization is to empower other women and improve the possiblities of migrant women to feel included and valued with their full potential. Therefore, they create spaces and projects based on feminist principles.

For developing our GATE process we build trustful cooperations because we know that working on gender topics can create intense moments. We work with power and rank. With invisible routines and values that probably have not been questioned yet. We are really glad for having found these partner organization.

We are convinced that only together we can gain experience and develop best practices that we want to share afterwards with other organizations. That’s our way to create change and accelerate societal transformation towards more gender equality.