Cardsgate GATE process - Gender Awarness and Transformation for Equality

Please give us feedback after using our materials… How was it ? Any suggestions or comments ?


Our team for the second part of GATE process  Erasmus+ KA2 project, GATE LGBTQIA+, has met for the first time for a kick off meeting in Bassano del Grappa, Italy between the 11th and 15th October, 2023.

We started the meeting with a 2-day-long, comprehensive and thought provoking training on LGBTQ+ issues, hold by the Greek partner, Orlando: we have reviewed the basic concepts and terminology, reflected about power structures and privilege, norms and institutional violence. We have discussed what kind of problems and obstacles can queer young people face and about what we, youth workers can do to create a safe space where all are welcome. We have shared about the realities in the participating countries (Italy, Greece, Switzerland and Spain… and more, thanks to our diverse team with an outlook also on Argentina and Hungary).

We shared about our own organisations (Orlando, Greece, Xena Ass., Italy and Altekio Spain and Switzerland), as well as going through all the results and materials of the previous project. 

The third day of the meeting was about settling organisational issues, sharing about activities already realised on local level, planning the next steps and agreeing on the basic structure and work flow of our project results: the Guide and the Cards.

But that was only the professional part… beside that, we have got to know each other, becoming a real TEAM… we had fun going around the wonderful surroundings of Bassano del Grappa, famous for its grappa and the beautiful old bridge in the city center!
